
  • JustaWhiteWeeb
    Aug. 17, 2024, 7:02 p.m.
    Hail Asuka
    No comments? Okay, I'll make one.... actually, I don't have anything to say about this episode. I hate antifa, but this was just boring.

    Off topic, I read the neo-constitution by the helicoptarian constitocracy, and honestly, those guys seem kind of cuckoo.

    Making police entrapment a RIGHT?

    Promoting white nationalism, but banning THE white nationalist movement?

    The jewish religion is a problem, but their genetically inherited idiosyncrasies (what made their religion) aren't?

    The ONLY based thing about them is legally putting women in the same category as children so they can't vote.

    The helicoptarian constitocracy honestly just seems like another alt-lite. A bunch of libertarian infiltrators and jewish neo-cons trying to catch people moving to the right.
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